Land Division Instructions and Application
If you are considering a land division or combination, we suggest you speak to the Assessing Department prior to getting surveys, paying the application fee, or transferring property, as a brief discussion could help you determine the best course of action. For changes to condominium parcels, please contact the Planning Department at 248-347-0475.
This application shall be submitted to the City Assessor accompanied by a $300.00, non-refundable processing fee, established by the City Council. The City Assessor will approve or deny the application within forty-five (45) days. Notice of the decision will be mailed to the applicant.
If the application is approved, the City Assessor will process the division through Oakland County. The county will issue parcel numbers for the new parcels. The new parcels will go into effect the following assessment year. The City Assessor will stop accepting applications in the final two (2) full weeks of December each year. Any applications received after the cutoff date will be processed in January and any new parcels would go into effect the following January.
If the application is denied, the City Assessor will return the application to the applicant, along with a letter addressing the reason(s) for the denial and any appeal options.
All applications for land division in the City of Novi must be in compliance with Section 32 of the City of Novi Code of Ordinances and with the Land Division Act, P.A. 288 of 1967 as amended by P.A. 591 of 1996 and P.A. 87 of 1997. Approval for land division is not a guarantee or determination that the property can be developed. Any development must go through the proper channels via Community Development – 248-347-0485.
Note: Pertinent Michigan Department of Treasury forms are available via the links below or in the Assessing Department:
Form 2766 – Property Transfer Affidavit
Form 3278 – Notice to Assessor of Transfer of the Right to Make a Division of Land
Form 2368 – Principal Residence Exemption (PRE) Affidavit
Form 2602 – Request to Rescind Principal Residence Exemption (PRE)