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MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1999, AT 7:30 PM


Mayor McLallen called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m.




ROLL CALL: Mayor McLallen, Mayor ProTem Crawford, Council Members DeRoche, Kramer, Lorenzo, Mutch, Schmid




CM-99-08-187: Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Lorenzo, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To approve the agenda as presented.


Vote on C M-99-08-187: Yeas: McLallen, Crawford, DeRoche, Kramer, Lorenzo,

Mutch, Schmid

Nays: None




  1. Novi Jaycee Presentation:

    Lisa Blasiola, President of the Novi Jaycees was present to announce that they are the first Place in Novi. She invited people to join the Jaycee’s by calling 248-348-NOVI. The general Membership meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at the Civic Center in the Parks and Recreation Department at 7:00 PM. The age limit for the Jaycee’s is 21-39 years old.


  3. Employee Introduction:

    Assistant City Manager Craig Klaver introduced Charles Bonnier who is our newest computer expert. Mr. Bonnier indicated he is very excited to work for the City of Novi. He will continue to work very hard.


  5. Consultant Review Committee Report


Member Schmid said the Committee met a number of times and requested Council adoption of a fee schedule. He asked Council to read the committee report in rough draft and the members would meet again to finalize. The final report will be back in 30 days.


4. Mayor McLallen congratulated Mr. Nowicki for receiving the G.I.S. Project Grant Award.


PUBLIC HEARING: S.A.D. 152 - Shawood Walled Lake Heights Subdivision - Water Main – To be postponed due to insufficient public notice and rescheduled for Monday, August 23, 1999.




LaVerne Rinke commented on Item #1 the Shawood Walled Lake Water Main Public Hearing. He advised Council of their need for water. The more development that comes to the north end more problems it creates. He stated he would appreciate Councils help.


Michelle Bononi was concerned with the amount of money paid to JCK over the years and what would be paid in 1999. She said there is no job performance information, record of evaluations or other records of performance. She was concerned with the excessive money paid to JCK. She reviewed the yearly amount paid to JCK. The Committee Review needs to place residents of Novi first, not developers.


CONSENT AGENDA (Approval/Removals)


Member Lorenzo removed items A-1, E, and P.


Mr. Kriewall removed item B.


CM-99-08-188: Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Schmid, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To Approve Consent Agenda with the removal of A-1, B, E and P-1.


CONSENT AGENDA: (Background information for Consent Agenda items is available for review at the City Clerk’s Office)

  1. Approve Minutes of:
  1. June 21, 1999 Regular Meeting
  2. July 12, 1999 Regular Meeting
  3. July 26, 1999 Special Joint City Council and Novi Building Authority Meeting
  1. Schedule a Special Meeting of Council for the purpose of Ice Arena Management Contract to be held on Monday, August 16, 1999 at 7:00 PM in the Activities Room.
  2. Adopt Resolution of Support to seek Category A Grant funding for road improvements to Nine Mile Road from Novi Road to Venture Drive.
  3. Adoption of the Revised Resolution, Re: The City of Novi Development Review Fee Schedule
  4. Authorization to proceed with the design of the Nine Mile Road Nonmotorized Pathway Projects utilizing JCK & Associates.
  5. Approve Renewal of Taxi Cab Company License – Community Cab/Mitsu Transportation.
  6. Award bid for Office Supplies to Office Depot, the low bidder, through a joint bid process with the Tri-County Purchasing Cooperative and the National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance based on individual contract unit pricing.
  7. Award bid for new Telecommunications System to Williams Communications, Inc. in the amount of $237,341.
  8. Award bid for Computerized Sign Making System to MSA Marketing, Inc. in the amount of $7,115.60.
  9. Authorization for the Police Department to Apply for the Local law Enforcement Block Grant ’99 (LLEBG)
  10. Approval of the new Administrative Salary Range.
  11. Adoption of Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment 18.152 - Amendment to add Section 403 to ordinance 97-18, as amended, the City of Novi Zoning Ordinance, to require developments in the R-1 through R-4 zoning districts to meet certain conditions such as the submittal of site plans, similar/dissimilar standards, façade regulations, off-street parking and screening regulations and Section 2400, Schedule of Regulations – II Reading and Final Adoption
  12. Appointment of Kathy Smith-Roy as the 1999 MERS Voting Delegate and Steve Babinchak as MERS Alternate for the Annual MERS Conference in Dearborn Michigan.
  13. Approval of Winter Maintenance Agreement between the City of Novi and the Road Commission for Oakland County along with an Authorizing Resolution for sections of Novi Road and Old Novi Road.
  14. Approval of Resolutions accepting two Highway & Utility Easements and one Grading Permit from The Novi Group for the West Road Reconstruction Project.
  15. Approval of Claims and Accounts
  1. Warrant No 551




A-2 July 21, 1999 Regular Meeting Minutes


  1. Schedule a Special Meeting of Council for the purpose of the Ice Arena Management

Contract to be held on Monday, August 16, 1999 at 7:00 PM in the Activities Room.


E. Authorization to proceed with the design of the Nine Mile Road Nonmotorized Pathway Projects utilizing JCK & Associates.


P-1. Approval of Claims and Accounts


Vote on CM-99-08-188: Yeas: McLallen, Crawford, Kramer, Lorenzo,

Mutch and Schmid

Nays: None




  1. Request to reschedule the Public hearing on S.A.D. 152 - Shawood Walled Lake Heights Subdivision - Water Main to Monday, August 23, 1999 at 7:30 PM.

    CM-99-08-189: Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Schmid, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To reschedule the Public Hearing on S.A.D. 152 – Shawood Walled Lake Heights Subdivision Water Main to Monday, August 23, 1999 at 7:30 p.m.


    Vote on CM-99-08-189: Yeas: McLallen, Crawford, DeRoche, Kramer, Lorenzo, Mutch, Schmid

    Nays: None


  3. Request to postpone consideration of Resolution vacating Chapman Drive within Chapman Walled Lake Subdivision from Endwell to East Lake Drive To the August 23, 1999 Regular Council Meeting.

    CM-99-08-190: Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Lorenzo, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To postpone Resolution vacating Chapman Drive until Monday, August 23, 1999 at 7:30 p.m.


    Vote on CM-99-08-190: Yeas: McLallen, Crawford, DeRoche, Kramer, Lorenzo, Mutch, Schmid

    Nays: None


  5. Request for Final Preliminary Plat Approval – Willowbrook Farms 2 & 3, SP 97-45G, project located north of Ten Mile and east of Meadowbrook Road.

    Mike Kahm of Singh Development was present representing the Willowbrook Farms project. Mr. Kahm introduced Mr. Norberg. Mr. Kham reviewed the plat and noted the removals of lots 98 & 99 as requested by Council.


    Member Lorenzo said this is a commendable job and asked what if there were requests for pools, decks and etc. Mr. Kahm said that is spelled out very clearly on their documents and they would not be permitted.


    Member Schmid asked Mr. Kahm if he had spoken to Linda Lempke regarding lots to be removed? Mr. Kahm said yes, he had worked at great length with her. Member Schmid expressed concern over the wooded areas and asked that they try to save trees. Mr. Kahm said they would save as many as possible.


    It was noted that Ms. Lempke had asked about the floodplain Map Amendment. Mr. Potter said they are required to apply for it.


    Mr. Norberg of Sieber Keast, stated the floodplain Map Amendment was in the process. He noted they were 3 or 4 days from final submittal. He said they already had the D.E.Q. permit and Letter of Map Amendment for FEMA. Member Lorenzo asked if the elevation was higher than shown and Mr. Norberg said it was. He explained that is why they were able to receive the Flood Plain Map Amendment.


    Member Lorenzo expressed concern regarding the effects this development could have on Bishop Creek and the adjacent property outside and within the subdivision. Mr. Bluhm said earlier there would be no change. Mr. Potter said that is correct. This development will not cause any type of flooding.


    Mr. Norberg stated they were not required to obtain any easements to contain water. Mr. Potter stated there were several tests preformed, safeguards and models required by the State of Michigan and the City of Novi to make certain there would not be a flooding problem. He is very satisfied with the results and does not fee there will be a water problem.


    Member Kramer commented that the needs are still utilities placement, yard easements, saving the maximum number of trees possible, engineering details and the final submittal of the Flood Plain Map Amendment. He reminded the developer that there was a great deal of discussion at the first submittal regarding utilities in the roadway as an attempt to save as many trees as possible.


    Mr. Potter said there was still a significant amount of detail needed. The final preliminary plat indicates what they feel they can do. He noted that the utilities would be submitted at the Final



    Member Kramer asked if the final plat will be coming back? Mr. Potter said yes. Member Kramer said he would be looking for front yard utilities under the road and a very detailed explanation of why they are not there under the road.


    CM-99-08-191: Moved by DeRoche, Seconded by Mutch, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To approve Final Preliminary Plat for Willowbrook Farms 2 & 3, SP 97-45G, project located north of Ten Mile and east Of Meadowbrook Road with the removal of Lots 98-99 and easements.


    Vote on CM-99-08-191: Yeas: McLallen, Crawford, DeRoche, Kramer, Lorenzo,

    Mutch, Schmid

    Nays: None


  7. Request for a Design and Construction Waiver for the use of a sedimentation/water quality "vault" in lieu of the required sedimentation/water quality basin for a portion of the proposed development – Meadowbrook Corporate Park, SP 99-04A, project is located northeast corner of Meadowbrook Road and I-96.


Chuck DeMaggio the developer and Al Hargus of Giffels-Webster Engineers were present. Mr. Hargus presented an explanation of the structure. Mayor McLallen asked if it included a monitoring mechanism?


Member Lorenzo spoke with Ms. Lempke regarding a future report on the benefits of having the upland and woodlands area preserved. She asked what the life of the device would be? Mr. Hargus said there is no limitation to the life of the device as long as it is cleaned and checked periodically. The cleaning will be vacuuming when the level of sedimentation becomes high.


Member Lorenzo questioned the cost of the unit compared to sedimentation basins.


Mr. Hargus stated that the proposed vault is significantly more expensive to install however it requires less land.


Member Lorenzo questioned the peak flow by-pass.


Mr. Hargus indicated that there is a manhole in the front with a vortex. Once the level is exceeded the device will catch the first flush and then the water will run off.


Member Lorenzo questioned if the contaminates will be filtered out.


Mr. Hargus stated that the device specifically separates pollutants that are suspended, such as oil and gas. Contaminates are not removed.


Member Lorenzo was concerned with fertilizes from the landscaped areas getting into the wetlands. She stated that normally the standard grass basins remove these contaminants prior to the water reaching the wetlands. She asked the petitioner what they would use to treat the water prior to it reaching the wetlands?


Mr. Potter stated that there is not a requirement by either the City or the State to remove the contaminants she is referring to. They are required to remove the sedimentation and are attempting to comply.


Member Lorenzo explained how grass and green plant materials utilized in standard basins remove soft surfaces and contaminants before the water reaches wetlands, streams and other bodies of water. She was very concerned that fertilizers and chemicals will get into the water system with this type of detention basin.


Member Lorenzo stated that she could not support the request unless they put in other Best Management Practice measures.


Mayor McLallen asked the City’s engineer if the proposal meets the City of Novi Ordinance?


Mr. Potter stated that yes it does meet the requirements with the exception of an easement required for phasing. He noted that the proposal is excellent once the site is stabilized. His only concern will be during construction because of the increased amount of sedimentation. He noted that at those times the system would require additional monitoring. He stated that it is a wonderful device.


Member DeRoche asked if the proposed device is better or worst than what is currently being utilized in the City?


Mr. Potter stated that he has concern during construction, but with monitoring that should not be a problem. He said that the goal is to catch dirt before it reaches the wetlands. This device appears to be able to do that. He is not saying that it is better or worst than sedimentation basins, they both work great, however they need to be maintained. Mr. Potter indicated that the proposed system is very expensive and therefore it is not widely used.


Member DeRoche asked if the proposed device is the first one to be used in Novi. He also asked what are the consequences if it is not properly maintained? How will we know ten years from now if it is not properly maintained?


Mr. Potter indicated that in the ordinance there is a provision, which allows the City to maintain and then charge the property owners.


Member DeRoche asked if there was any way to tell if the system is not being maintained?


Mr. Potter indicated that the Building Department routinely reviews basins and sends notices. The owner has a certain number of days to comply.


Member DeRoche asked if someone could tell maintenance is needed without going into the vault and looking?


Mr. Hargus stated they would be willing to sign an agreement, which will provide for annual maintenance certification. They would give the City a right to inspect, remove and bill them or place a lien on the property. He noted that relative to the comments of concern voiced earlier, during construction they will be using a temporary basin and then will convert to the vault after everything is up and running. Also, relative to the fertilizer issue, he noted that a very high percentage of green space would be left in its natural state. They will be happy to use organic fertilizer if recommended.


Member DeRoche asked the City Attorney if an agreement with a clause for annual reporting would be enforceable?


Mr. Watson indicated that there is a provision in the ordinance that requires the owner to submit a certificate of maintenance. If the City feels that there is a problem, which is not being addressed, they have the right of entry onto the property and can remedy the situation. The property owner would be billed for the maintenance. Should they not pay, the bill would be placed on their taxes.


Member Schmid questioned if the water that will be going into the vault will be run off from the parking lot and hard surfaces?


Mr. Potter said that the purpose of the vault is to trap the run-off water from the hard surfaces and separate the sedimentation. He noted that the vault would be much easier to clean than the basins.


Member Schmid asked how they would know five years from now if the system has been maintained.


Mr. Potter stated that the City’s Ordinance Officer or a D.P.W. employee will check for periodic maintenance as required by ordinance.


Member Schmid stated that he believes that the proposed system will be much cheaper in the long run.


Mr. Potter agreed and stated that he believed they would also be maintained better.


Member Schmid referenced several similar systems in the surrounding communities. He stated he hoped that Mr. Potter would go out and look at them.


Member Kramer asked Mr. Nowicki about the routine inspection process.


Mr. Nowicki indicated that letters are sent out annually requesting a certification of compliance. He noted that the D.P.W. has a full time crew dedicated to maintenance.


Member Kramer asked if the maintenance is performed annually.


Mr. Nowicki indicted that it occurs every four or five years.


Member Kramer referenced Mr. Schlick’s Letter requesting a financial guarantee for storm events. Member Kramer feels this request is unreasonable.


Mr. Nowicki stated that if the manufacture recommends annual maintenance, then a financial guarantee might be in order. He suggested that other communities, with this type of basin, be contacted to see how they handle the matter.


Member Mutch questioned the City Attorney about future maintenance problems and how the City would be protected once there is an accumulation of liens.


Mr. Watson stated that there would not be an accumulation of liens because the charges would be placed on the owner’s tax bills.


Member Lorenzo questioned the amount of manpower for inspections is going to be generated and who will be paying for this service. She stated she appreciated the petitioner being here and responding to the questions that have been brought up. She stated that she has concerns with contaminants and soft surfaces passing through the system. She appreciates the offer to utilize organic fertilizers. Unfortunately without an inclusion of the treatment train approach to filter contaminates she cannot support the request.


CM-99-08-192: Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Mutch, CARRIED: To grant the request for a Design and Construction Waiver for the use of a sedimentation/water quality "vault" in lieu of the required sedimentation/water quality basin for a portion of the proposed development-Meadowbrook Corporate Park, SP 99-04A, subject to consultant’s review letter page 2, JCK Letter A and City Attorney’s Review including Mr. Schlicks comments.


Vote on CM-99-08-192: Yeas: McLallen, Crawford, DeRoche, Kramer, Mutch, Schmid

Nays: Lorenzo


Member Schmid stated that he felt Member Lorenzo brought up some good points regarding soft surfaces. He asked Mr. Potter to further look at the concerns while investing the system in other communities.


Member Kramer requested that Mr. Potter send a report back to Council regarding his findings from a visit to neighboring community’s sites containing vaults.


5. Request for approval of Resolution appointing JCK & Associates, Inc. as Novi’s Municipal Civil Engineer, Surveyor, Architect and Environmental Consultants.


Mayor McLallen commented JCK is directly related under contract. They are not the only engineers used for city projects but are directly related to a number of projects that are in progress in the city.


Mr. Kapelczak agreed and said he has been in this business for 21 years. They are directly linked to work done by developers and projects done by the city on streets, water and sewer and sanitary sewer projects. His firm has 90 employees and 2/3 of them work on city projects. He said these other engineers work on projects within the City. JCK provides services and works for many departments within the City on variety of things. Mr. Kapelczak noted that the increase in their income is directly related to work and growth of the City. In other words the growth in the City is proportional to increase in charges.


Member Schmid said the actual money on the contract has not grown substantially this year; there were minor increases, less than 2%. However, Mr. Schmid felt other communities should be checked and compared in the future to assure that we are within range.


CM-99-08-193: Moved by Schmid, Seconded by Mutch, CARRIED: To approve Resolution appointing JCK and Associates, Inc. as Novi’s Municipal Civil Engineer, Surveyor, Architect and Environmental Consultants.


Member Lorenzo agreed with comments made earlier during audience participation that an analysis of comparison from other communities need to be compared with what we are paying JCK. This information should be shared with Council Members. She said we are looking for figures. She was not comfortable approving this without comparisons and for that reason she would vote against it.


Mayor McLallen stated the fees charged by JCK are directly related to projects which have been approved by Council. Therefore Council determines the projects and JCK fees.


Member Kramer noted that the City of Novi has been building infrastructure, at a very fast pace, and there has been a steady growth in development. He noted the infrastructure and developer fees account for the increase in fees. Member Kramer indicated he is comfortable with the committee’s report and feel they have preformed as directed. He is not into micro managing every detail. He does not see a reason to question the committee. They have met dozens of times, for extended a great amount of effort, looked at the details and done a very good job.


Member DeRoche said that this is his second year on the committee. He spent the first year trying to learn and disseminate information. He indicated that the pay structure and fee schedule for JCK is very difficult to understand. He noted that it is very clear that the majority of money JCK is receiving is flow through money from developers and projects. He indicated that with the new fee schedule the process will become clearer. He believes that the committee is on the right track and it will be much easier to review in the future. He stated that the municipal rate schedule seems reasonable and there is now a target. Member DeRoche indicated that JCK’s retainer is $52,000 this year, which is up slightly from $48,000 last year. The remainder of the money paid out is from special projects, approved by Council, and flow through money. Member DeRoche indicated that the final report would be forwarded to Council. He noted that next year there would be a spreadsheet to review. He asked for faith in the committee, they worked hard on this review.


Member Mutch reminded Council that JCK is not the only engineering firm doing work for the City, especially on State and Local road projects. She explained the benefits of having three members of Council rotate on the Consultant Review Committee for three-year terms vs. three new members every year. She noted that the committee does not do the legwork. They are provided with the information from staff. Sometimes the information is verbal and sometimes it is via a written report, which may or may not make it into the final report. Staff based on their experience writes the final report. She indicated that the committee has been told that JCK is within the range that other communities are paying. Novi is much more demanding and that shows up in the charges. The review is a very interesting process. She indicated that she is always available to answer any questions.


Member Lorenzo stated that she appreciates the efforts of the committee, however it may be premature to approve JCK’s contract because all of the information is not available. She suggested that it might be appropriate in the future, but not at this time. Member Lorenzo suggested that Council meet as a Committee of the Whole to review the matter before it is placed on the Regular Agenda as an action item.



Vote on CM-99-08-193: Yeas: McLallen, Crawford, DeRoche, Kramer, Mutch, Schmid

Nays: Lorenzo


Mayor McLallen thanked JCK and noted that they are much more than a corporate tax payer in the City of Novi. They attempt to react to all of the City’s demands by hiring experienced personnel. In addition there is another component of Mr. Kapelczak. He is the largest civic benefactor to the City and community. He has given back to the community in many ways.


Mr. Kapelczak thanked the Mayor and noted that he has appreciated working for the City.








CONSENT AGENDA REMOVALS FOR COUNCIL ACTION: (Consent Agenda items, which have been removed for discussion and/or action)


Mayor McLallen commented Member Lorenzo removed the following items.


A.2 Approve minutes of July 12, 1999


Member Lorenzo wanted her comments on page 8 of the July 12, 1999 regarding legislators having their hands tied. She asked the clerks office to listen to the audio tapes and insert her comments.


CM-99-08-194: Moved by Lorenzo, Seconded by Schmid, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To approve the minutes of July 12, 1999 with corrections.


Vote on CM-99-08-194: Yeas: McLallen, Crawford, DeRoche, Kramer, Lorenzo,

Mutch, Schmid

Nays: None


P-1. Approval of Claims and Accounts


Member Lorenzo had a question regarding Bill Richards, 20/20 Focus on the Future, and Member DeRoche gave her a favorable explanation.


CM-99-08-195: Moved by Lorenzo, Seconded by Mutch, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To approve Warrant #551 subject to a review and reapproval by staff.


Member Mutch questioned notations on the original Warrant. Mr. Klaver suggested approving the warrant subject to verification of numbers.


Vote on CM-99-08-195: Yeas: McLallen, Crawford, DeRoche, Kramer, Lorenzo,

Mutch, Schmid

Nays: None


  1. Authorize to proceed with the design of the Nine Mile Road Nonmotorized Pathway Projects utilizing JCK & Associates


Member Lorenzo suggested the design of the Nine Mile Road Nonmotorized Pathway Project be put out for bids.


CM-99-08-196: Moved by Lorenzo, Seconded by DeRoche, FAILED: To send the Nine Mile Road Nonmotorized Pathway Project out for bids. DISCUSSION:


Member DeRoche agreed with the motion. He felt it was a small project to send out for bids. However, in lieu of the fact that we have just raised the fees that JCK charges the City he felt this would be a useful process.


Member Mutch the dollar is part of a cost proposal for a grant funded project. She asked if there would be any implications to the grant?


Mr. Nowicki did not believe there would be any implications. He advised that the engineering cost were not reimbursable. No matter what was done it would be a City cost.


Member Mutch asked if Council decided to go through the bid process, solicit bids and go with someone else how much of a delay would be anticipated and would it have any effect on the grant?


Mr. Nowicki said it would not have an effect on the grant but it would cause a delay. We were hoping to move this project forward but did not anticipate construction of the project until next year. He thought it would probably go to construction in April 2000.


Member Mutch said there is no negative you can think of? Mr. Nowicki said there was not. Member Mutch said Mr. Bluhm already submitted a $37,700 cost proposal. If we send it out to bid will JCK be allowed to bid on it and and change their cost and would everyone else know to come in under $37,700.


Mr. Nowicki said the $37,700 is based on the American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE, standards. The A.S.C.E. looked at all the construction and engineering costs associated with the project and graphed on a curve what would be the typical design cost of a construction project based on the construction dollars. Mr. Nowicki felt sure all the other consultants would look at this and utilize the same basic curves. Then they would have to look at the man-hours required to finish the project including right-of-way.


Member Mutch asked if Mr. Nowicki thought the cost would be likely to drop or be close if it was competitive?


Mr. Nowicki said considering this is basically the A.S.C.E. recommendations he would expect if the engineering firms are serious about providing a fair level of design and not trying to low ball it it would probably be in this range.


Member Crawford was not convinced there was a good reason to do this. He felt our consulting engineer knew the right-of-way situation better than any one else. It is a small project and he felt time would be wasted without having any significant gain.


Mr. Nowicki commented that on a project this small typically the practice is to use your municipal engineer.


Member Crawford saw no significant advantage to the City to bid this project.


Mayor McLallen commented contract is only for the design and if Council wanted to bid out the construction it was a separate issue and she would be supportive of that. She felt nothing would be gained and time would be lost to bid out the design now. There is a caveat that this money is rescindable if it is not under construction in two years.


Vote on CM-99-08-196: Yeas: DeRoche, Lorenzo

Nays: McLallen, Crawford, Kramer, Mutch, Schmid


CM-99-08-197: Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Schmid, CARRIED: To authorize the proceeding of the design of the Nine Mile Road Non-motorized Pathway Project utilizing JCK and Associates in an amount not to exceed $37,700.


Vote on CM-99-08-197: Yeas: McLallen, Crawford, Kramer, Mutch, Schmid

Nays: DeRoche, Lorenzo


  1. Schedule a Special Meeting of Council for the purpose of Ice Arena Management Contract to be held on Monday, August 16, 1999 at 7:00 PM in the Activities Room.


Mr. Kramer suggested changing the time of the meeting from 7:00 PM to 7:30 PM because it was Council’s regular time and it would open up an hour and a half gap that could be used for our Communications Committee meeting into. Two of the Council members can come in early for the Committee meeting.


CM-99-08-198: Moved by Kramer, Seconded by Crawford, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To schedule a Special Meeting of Council for the Purpose of Ice Arena Management Contract to be held on Monday, August 16, 1999 at 7:30 PM in Council Chambers.


Member Lorenzo wanted to amend the motion to hold the meeting in Council Chambers and cablecast it. She felt it was significant to the public concern and should be televised.


CM-99-08-199: Moved by Lorenzo, Seconded by Kramer, CARRIED: To amend the motion that the meeting be held in Council Chambers and be cablecast.


Member Schmid questioned the intent of the meeting. He requested Community Clubs and the new Management Company be present.


Vote on CM-99-08-199: Yeas: McLallen, DeRoche, Kramer, Lorenzo, Schmid

Nays: Crawford, Mutch


Member DeRoche asked if Council was being presented with just one firm and asked if there were going to be two qualified firms.


Mayor Pro Tem Crawford stated there had been four firms initially and Community Clubs eliminated two. There were more extensive interviews and background checks with the remaining two. Both of these companies, to his knowledge, were qualified but there is a recommendation forthcoming.


Member DeRoche said suppose they come here and give a horrible presentation, what if we ask questions that were not asked before and we do not think it is a very good deal; is it good for Council to only have one person to accept or reject?


Mayor Pro Tem Crawford said we did authorize a sub-committee of the Community Clubs to proceed in that manner. However, it is our prerogative to question anything they recommend.


Mayor Pro Tem Crawford said there were two firms left and he believed they were both qualified and each have certain attributes. Member DeRoche asked if Council would be talking with number one? Mayor Pro Tem Crawford said previously Council had both of the firm’s portfolios.


Member Schmid thought the Committee would be present and Council would have the opportunity to inquire, review and discuss the merits of their recommendation and the merits of other firms they interviewed. Then if Council is satisfied after that discussion and want to move forward with this particular firm they can do so.


Mayor Pro Tem Crawford said the sub-committee that interviewed would be present and it would be an opportunity to discuss the firms with them.


Member Schmid said he did not have any concerns with the recommendation but had questions regarding the Company they are recommending.


Member Mutch thought Council would be hearing a presentation of the Committee, discuss how the recommendation was arrived at and have the option to see the other Companies. She thought Council might like to inquire about the other Company. The Committee will be making the presentation and there may be additional reasons as to why they are recommending one over the other. She thought it was a good idea for a representative of the firm to be present to answer questions and if the Company did not object Council could take them at face value.


Mayor McLallen said Council is requesting Administration be notified and that the members of Community Clubs be present and have a spokesperson. Also, the finalists should be present for Council to meet. The challenge is time is running out at a very critical time as far as ice leasing goes. We need to have a management team in place very quickly; the more information Council has is going to be critical in making a sound decision.


Mayor Pro Tem Crawford felt it might be an uncomfortable situation to have both firms present. It is important to have a presentation from the selected firm present to verify some concerns. If we do not like what we hear, then we can talk to the other firms separately.


Member Mutch reminded everyone that this is a public meeting and anyone that wants to attend is welcome. They would not be recognized to speak but could address Council during Audience Participation. She felt Community Clubs members should be doing the talking. If we have questions then Community Clubs could be directed to go back and get the information for Council.


Vote on CM-99-08-198: Yeas: McLallen, Crawford, DeRoche, Kramer, Lorenzo,

Mutch, Schmid

Nays: None




Member Kramer, Communication Committee, said there are several items that have been accomplished. The kiosk project is installed and working in the Civic Center Atrium. The web site is up and running and the address is It is Lou Martin’s intent to give a presentation at the August 23rd Regular Council meeting.


There was a request from the Council to look into cable replay of Council meetings. We have met and discussed that and Caryn Collens has prepared policy for this and it has to go to the Rules Committee because the policy emanated from that group initially. Basically it says that the idea of replaying the Council meetings is reasonable and contemporary and many other communities are doing it. This can be best implemented through a new S.W.O.C.C. digital playback system that Ms. Collens anticipates would become available after the contract is settled with Time Warner.


Member Kramer said there had been some discussion regarding the City sign and they would meet to work out the specifications and bring forward a proposal that has minimal variations required.


A newsletter is being worked on and we have segregated Road Bond Information Education. There are some administrative issues to work out. They would like to present city facts and information, identify subjects, flow on a regular basis and be cost effective.


Member DeRoche commented he has discussed with Lauri Loechli his problems with e-mail. He receives City E-mail without getting the body of the e-mail and does not know whom it is from. He feels it is important this is corrected.


Member Schmid said Mr. Watson has completed his thoughts on the Ethics Committee

and will forward it to the committee in the next couple of days.


Member Mutch said it would be good to learn the web site address because it gives access to any City staff or Council Member through E-Mail. Your can use www. and put the first initial and last name of the person you are trying to reach followed by.


Member Kramer said the public needs to know how to E-mail Council members so more information needs to be put out to get people to utilize the E-mail.


Member Mutch said using the web site you do not have to remember it you just go to that particular line and it will take you directly to that E-mail.






Mr. Kriewall said there were two major ribbon cuttings in Novi last week. The M-5 on Monday and Meadowbrook Road between 12 and 13 Mile on Thursday with both events being well attended. It was noticed immediately that there is significant traffic on M-5 and is working well. Meadowbrook Road has turned out to be a very attractive design by our engineers and Mr. Nowicki. They have worked hard to preserve the natural features in that area with the unique stone work for retaining walls, elevations and it has turned out very nice.


Mayor McLallen said it has one terrific unintended consequence; it is probably the longest uninterrupted roller blading stretch in the City. The western side of the street is a really terrific asphalt ribbon so it is a solid mile of rollerblading opportunity that will take you into Tollgate Farms where you can walk through their gorgeous gardens.


Member DeRoche asked how the northern Novi Traffic Study is coming along?


Mr. Kriewall said Rod Arroyo said they had done significant traffic counts as a prelude to M-5 opening and would do additional traffic counts after it had been open a few weeks. They would be able to measure the impact of all these road improvements as part of that study.


Member De Roche thought Council would get the numbers accumulated prior to the road openings. He would like to read it. Mr. Kriewall said that would not be a problem.


Member Mutch asked when the boardwalk is scheduled for construction on the east side of Meadowbrook Road where the pond area is?


Mr. Nowicki said the boardwalk is scheduled to be in before school.


Mr. Klaver advised that he is moving forward on the Production Specialist position in the Public Information Office. We will contract for that position with S.W.O.C.C. Mr. Watson has been involved in drafting the contract that will be presented to the Cable Commission August 10, 1999. The Production Specialist should be on board by October 1st.


Mr. Klaver announced that a ground breaking would take place for the Senior Housing Project on Tuesday, August 17th at 12 noon. He said they were counting on favorable bond sales.


Mayor McLallen asked if there were any updates on the repairs to the police station?


Mr. Klaver spoke with Chief Shaeffer last week and they are wrapping up the final design and hoping to put it out for bid in the next six to eight weeks.






There being no further business before Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.



_____________________________ _____________________________

Kathleen McLallen Tonni Bartholomew




Charlene McLean


Date Approved: August 23, 1999