View Agenda for this meeting 
View Action Summary for this meeting

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Proceedings had and Testimony taken in the matter of the ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, at City of Novi, 45175 West Ten Mile Road, Novi, Michigan, on Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Donna Skelcy, Acting Vice Chair
Mav Sanghvi
Linda Krieger
David Ghannam
Jeffrey Gedeon
Brent Ferrell
James Gerblick

Charles Boulard, Building Official
Beth Saarela, City Attorney
Coordinator: Angela Pawlowski, Recording Secretary

Jennifer L. Wall, Certified Shorthand Reporter

1 Novi, Michigan.

2 Tuesday, August 14, 2012

3 7:00 p.m.

4 ** ** **


6 everyone to the Tuesday, August 14, 2012

7 Zoning Board of Appeals meeting.

8 We are going to begin with the

9 Pledge of Allegiance, and I'd like to ask

10 Member Krieger to lead us in the Pledge.

11 (Pledge of Allegiance recited.)

12 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: I will go over

13 a few rules for how we handle the meeting

14 tonight. There is an agenda in the back, if

15 you didn't receive one, so you can see in

16 what order your case will be called.

17 I'm going to ask that you turn

18 off your cellphones and your pagers. When

19 your case is called, please go up to the

20 podium, here at the right, and say your name,

21 and spell your name so that the court

22 reporter can have it typed in properly for

23 the record.

24 Each applicant will have five

25 minutes to make a presentation, and then



1 after that, the public will be asked for


3 Then it will up to the Board

4 to have a discussion, ask questions of you.

5 Ms. Pawlowski, can you please

6 take the roll.

7 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Gedeon?

8 MR. GEDEON: Here.

9 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Gerblick?

10 MR. GERBLICK: Here.

11 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Ghannam?

12 MR. GHANNAM: Here.

13 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Chairman Ibe is

14 absent, excused.

15 Member Krieger?

16 MS. KRIEGER: Here.

17 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Sanghvi?

18 MR. SANGHVI: Here.

19 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Skelcy?


21 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Ferrell?

22 MR. FERRELL: Here.

23 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Now I'd like to

24 ask if there are any changes to the agenda

25 for this evening?



1 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Yes, there are.

2 Case No. 12-031, 43700 Expo Center, they have

3 asked to be tabled until the September 11th

4 meeting.

5 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Do we need to

6 do a motion now or later for that?

7 MS. SAARELA: If you're going to do

8 a motion, you can do it now.


10 will entertain a motion.

11 MR. GHANNAM: I will move to

12 adjourn that particular case to the next

13 meeting in September.

14 MR. GERBLICK: Second.

15 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Having heard

16 that motion and the second, all in favor say

17 aye.

18 THE BOARD: Aye.


20 opposed?

21 (None opposed.)

22 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: The motion

23 carries.

24 We have the prior minutes from

25 July 10th, and are there any changes to



1 those?

2 MR. GHANNAM: Are there any other

3 changes to the agenda, because if not, I'll

4 move to approve the agenda.

5 If there is none, I'll move to

6 approve the agenda as amended.

7 MR. SANGHVI: Second.

8 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Having a motion

9 and a second, all those in favor?

10 THE BOARD: Aye.

11 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Those opposed?

12 (None opposed.)

13 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Okay, motion

14 carries.

15 And are there any changes to

16 the prior minutes from July 10th of 2012?

17 Mr. Boulard?

18 MR. BOULARD: Just a couple

19 changes. Page seven line 18, it says

20 Mr. Phillips, I believe that should be

21 Mr. Valenti.

22 And page 46, line 16 --

23 actually line 15, line 16 as mentioned in the

24 staff report. Thank you.




1 changes, Mr. Sanghvi?

2 MR. SANGHVI: Page 56, line 16, the

3 correction of the spelling of the name it

4 should read (inaudible).

5 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: I'm afraid the

6 court reporter could not hear you.

7 MR. SANGHVI: Try again. Can you

8 hear me now?

9 (Affirmative response from the court reporter.)

10 MR. SANGHVI: We need to change the

11 name, spelling, replace the N which is there

12 on the page -- line 16 there on the page 56.


14 changes?

15 (No responses.)

16 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: I'll entertain

17 a motion to approve the minutes.

18 MR. GHANNAM: So moved.

19 MR. SANGHVI: Second.

20 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Having heard a

21 motion and a second, all those in favor say

22 aye.

23 THE BOARD: Aye.

24 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Those opposed?

25 (No responses.)




2 carries.

3 At this time, we will invite

4 any public remarks from the audience that do

5 not pertain to any of the cases that are on

6 the schedule for tonight.

7 Are there any audience members

8 that would like to make any public comments?

9 (No responses.)

10 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Seeing none, we

11 will now move onto our first case.

12 Calling Case No. 12-031 at the

13 address of 44275 Twelve Mile Road.

14 Please state your name. If

15 you are not a lawyer, you have to be sworn in

16 by the secretary and make sure you spell your

17 name for the court reporter.

18 MR. DIFFIN: Matt Diffin, M-a-t-t,

19 D-i-f-f-i-n. I'm with Diffin Umlor

20 Associates, a civil engineering consultant,

21 representing Spiegel Properties and Sun

22 Valley, LTD the owners.

23 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Can you please

24 be sworn by the secretary.

25 MR. DIFFIN: Yes.



1 MS. KRIEGER: In Case No. 12-021,

2 on 44275 Twelve Mile Road, do you swear to

3 tell the truth?

4 MR. DIFFIN: I do.

5 MS. KRIEGER: Thank you.


7 proceed.

8 MR. DIFFIN: The existing Fountain

9 Walk development project is located -- turn

10 it this way, north would be up -- north would

11 actually be up. Twelve Mile Road would be at

12 the top, I-96 would be towards the bottom.

13 The property is surrounded by

14 public roadways on all four sides. The

15 zoning regulations basically state that we

16 need to provide the proposed dumpster and

17 unloading area in the rear yard, but because

18 there is four roadways abutting the property,

19 there is no rear yard.

20 So that's our hardship. It's

21 pretty cut and dry as far as that goes.

22 We are proposing to develop a

23 new parking area in the 57,000 square foot

24 retail area in the center of the property.

25 We are proposing to have an



1 unloading area at the rear of our building.

2 And the dumpster is at the rear of the

3 proposed building, that would abut up against

4 the existing unloading areas for like Dick's

5 Sporting Goods. This is Chuck E. Cheese over

6 here (indicating), all their dumpsters and

7 unloading areas are in that rear area now.

8 So we will just have our

9 unloading area and dumpster abutting up

10 against the existing -- we are way over 300

11 some feet from our property lines.

12 There is no residential

13 development that abut this property or

14 anything of that nature. So it really

15 doesn't effect anybody other than our

16 property.

17 If there is any questions,

18 I'll be happy to answer them.

19 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Thank you. I

20 will ask if there are any public comments on

21 this particular case?

22 (No responses.)

23 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Seeing none,

24 I'll move onto the city. Any comments from

25 the city or the city attorney?




2 MR. BOULARD: Just a point of

3 reference. This -- accompanying the request

4 is a report from the planners, and you will

5 note that the -- based on the approval of the

6 site plan, that the planners -- in review

7 that the planners support both these

8 variances, as the property is unique and the

9 situation is most appropriate to get those

10 areas tucked in that back corner. Thank you.

11 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Thank you. I

12 will ask Madam Secretary to read into the

13 record any comments.

14 MS. KRIEGER: In Case No. 12-021,

15 31 were mailed, zero returns, no responses.

16 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: I will now open

17 it up to the Board. Are there any questions

18 or comments?

19 Member Sanghvi?

20 MR. SANGHVI: Thank you. I think

21 it is pretty obvious they don't have any rear

22 yard, so there is no way they can comply with

23 the ordinance. They obviously need this

24 variance approved before they can build, and

25 I have no problem with it.



1 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Thank you. Any

2 other comments? Member Krieger?

3 MS. KRIEGER: I also see that

4 because they have no rear yard, but I did

5 have a question.

6 Do you have a tenant proposed

7 for this area already?

8 MR. DIFFIN: Well, the parking

9 area, we are proposing to start construction

10 as soon as we can this fall. It's more of a

11 convenience for parking. There is a lot of

12 smaller tenants in the existing buildings to

13 the south, that they won't sign leases until

14 they get parking directly adjoining those

15 building pads. We want to get the parking

16 built first, and we will -- they're working

17 on getting new tenants both for the vacancies

18 they have there as well as the new building,

19 but they're not proposing to build the new

20 building until either later in the spring or

21 next year.

22 MS. KRIEGER: Thank you.

23 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Thank you,

24 Member Krieger.

25 Any other comments, discussion



1 points?

2 I will now entertain a motion.

3 Member Gedeon?

4 MR. GEDEON: In Case 12-021, 44275

5 Twelve Mile Road, I move to approve both

6 variances as requested because there are

7 unique circumstances or physical conditions

8 of the property. Specifically the property

9 is bounded on all four sides by roads. So

10 there is no clear area for a rear yard.

11 The need is not self-created,

12 strict compliance with regulations will

13 unreasonably prevent the property owner from

14 using the property for permitted purpose, or

15 will render conformity with those regulations

16 unnecessarily burdensome.

17 The requested variance is the

18 minimum variance necessary to do substantial

19 justice to the applicant as well as to other

20 property owners in the district.

21 As was noted by the applicant,

22 the proposed location for the rear -- for the

23 loading area and dumpster area, will

24 correspond with the adjacent properties.

25 The requested variance will



1 not cause an adverse impact on surrounding

2 property, property values or the use and

3 enjoyment of the property in the neighborhood

4 of zoning district.

5 MS. KRIEGER: Second.


7 motion and a second.

8 Any further discussion by the

9 Board?

10 (No responses.)

11 Mr. Pawlowski, will you please

12 call the roll.

13 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Gedeon?

14 MR. GEDEON: Yes.

15 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Gerblick?


17 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Ghannam?

18 MR. GHANNAM: Yes.

19 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Krieger?

20 MS. KRIEGER: Yes.

21 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Sanghvi?

22 MR. SANGHVI: Yes.

23 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Skelcy?


25 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Ferrell?




2 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Motion passes seven

3 to zero.

4 MR. DIFFIN: Thank you for your

5 time.


7 The second item on the agenda

8 has been moved.

9 We will move now to Case No.

10 3, which is No. 12-032, with the address of

11 24926 Bloomfield Court.

12 Would the applicant please

13 come to the podium, state your name and your

14 address and spell your name for the court

15 reporter.

16 MR. MUNDT: I'm John Mundt,

17 representing Singh Homes. First name is

18 J-o-h-n, last name is M-u-n-d, as in David,

19 t, as in Tom.


21 sworn, if you're not a lawyer.

22 MS. KRIEGER: In Case No. 12-032,

23 address 24926 Bloomfield Court, do you swear

24 to tell the truth in this case?

25 MR. MUNDT: I do.



1 MS. KRIEGER: Thank you.

2 MR. MUNDT: Next to me I have

3 Mr. Ben Sandhu. After being a resident here

4 in Novi for nearly 20 years, Mr. Sandhu has

5 approached Singh Homes to design and build

6 him a home that would accommodate his needs

7 in the forthcoming years. He is now retired,

8 empty-nester and he has concerns with limited

9 mobility in the near future.

10 Due to that, the home that we

11 designed for Mr. Sandhu, incorporates all the

12 amenities that him and his wife would need in

13 future years on the main floor of the home.

14 This resulted in a rather

15 large footprint, which exceed the setbacks

16 set forth in the city ordinance.

17 There are a couple of special

18 circumstances with this lot, as you can see

19 in the plot plan, and in the aerial map

20 provided. The home sits at a rather large

21 distance off from Bloomfield Court compared

22 to neighboring homes.

23 Also the two sides of the home

24 that exceed the setbacks, set forth, abut, to

25 protect the woodlands and wetlands.



1 So, you know, basically if the

2 variance is granted, the home really wouldn't

3 effect any future builds or current

4 neighbors.

5 Also I'm not sure if you have

6 it in your packet or not, but just being

7 concerned with the surrounding neighbors,

8 Mr. Sandhu met with the neighbors on each

9 side of the lot, and went over the plans and

10 addressed their concerns, and they actually

11 provided letters addressed to the ZBA

12 acknowledging that they're okay with what we

13 are proposing.

14 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Are you done?

15 MR. MUNDT: Yep.

16 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: We will now ask

17 if there is any comments from anyone in the

18 audience regarding this matter?

19 (No responses.)

20 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Seeing none, we

21 will now move onto the city, Mr. Boulard, and

22 the city attorney?

23 MS. SAARELA: I have nothing.

24 MR. BOULARD: Nothing to add beyond

25 the staff report. Be happy to stand by for



1 questions.


3 Secretary, can you read the comments.

4 MS. KRIEGER: Yep. In Case. No.

5 12-032, 15 were mailed, returned mail, zero,

6 approvals, three rejections, zero.

7 The first one is "Dear Sirs

8 and Madams, I recently met representatives

9 from Singh Homes and my future neighbor

10 Ben Sandhu to go over plans for the proposed

11 residence to be built on the vacant lot

12 next-door to my home. During the meeting it

13 was brought to my attention that a variance

14 has been applied for so that the proposed

15 home could exceed the rear and side setbacks

16 of the neighboring lot. After seeing that

17 neither setback abuts to my lot, I wanted to

18 make ZBA aware that I do not have any issues

19 with the proposed home exceeding the

20 boundaries stated in Novi's code of

21 ordinances. Sincerely, Bev R. Desai."

22 The second one is, "Dear Sirs

23 and Madams, recently I met with Ben Sandhu,

24 who is getting a home built by Singh Homes

25 adjacent to the woodlands and wetlands next



1 to my home. After looking at the plans of

2 the proposed residence, I see that the

3 proposed home exceeds the rear and side

4 setbacks of the lot. I want the Zoning Board

5 to be aware that I have no issues with the

6 proposed home. Thank you -- I can't read the

7 first one -- I can't read the first --

8 Venkat P-i-s-i-p-a-t-i."

9 Then the, third one is circled

10 approval. And it's signed Jimmy Cranford,

11 Jr., and he's on Bloomfield Court as well.

12 Thank you.

13 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Thank you. I

14 will now open it up to the Board for

15 discussion. Member Ghannam?

16 MR. GHANNAM: Thank you.

17 I reviewed the application,

18 sir. I do agree, this is a very unique lot

19 in terms of the way it's situated and it only

20 makes sense, based on what you need to grant

21 the variance. I have no problem with it.

22 Thank you.

23 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Thank you.

24 Member Sanghvi?

25 MR. SANGHVI: I just had a



1 question. There are no wetland at woodland

2 problem with this lot, no?

3 MR. BOULARD: There are wetlands

4 and woodlands that were addressed as part of

5 the development of the neighborhood as a

6 whole.

7 If there are trees that need

8 to be removed on the lot, those will be dealt

9 with in that review process, but beyond that,

10 there should not -- I am not aware of any

11 issues.

12 MR. SANGHVI: I have no problem

13 with approving their variance request. Thank

14 you.

15 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Thank you,

16 Member Sanghvi.

17 Any other comments or

18 questions?

19 (No responses.)

20 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Seeing none, I

21 will entertain a motion. Mr. Gerblick, thank

22 you.

23 MR. GERBLICK: I move that we grant

24 the variance as requested in Case No. 12-032,

25 24926 Bloomfield Court. The variance has



1 unique circumstances or physical conditions.

2 The property has lots of very narrow, abutted

3 on all sides by woodlands and wetlands.

4 The need is not self-created,

5 and strict compliance with regulations

6 governing the area setback will unreasonably

7 prevent the property owner from using the

8 property for it's permitted purpose.

9 The requested variance is the

10 minimum variance necessary to do substantial

11 justice to the applicant and the requested

12 variance will not cause an adverse impact on

13 the surrounding property.

14 MR. GHANNAM: Second.

15 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Seeing a motion

16 and a second, is there any further discussion

17 or questions by the Board?

18 (No responses.)

19 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Seeing none,

20 I'll ask Ms. Pawlowski to please call the

21 roll.

22 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Gedeon?

23 MR. GEDEON: Yes.

24 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Gerblick?




1 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Ghannam?


3 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Krieger?


5 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Sanghvi?


7 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Skelcy?


9 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Ferrell?

10 MR. FERRELL: Yes.

11 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Motion passes seven

12 to zero.

13 MR. MUNDT: Thank you very much.

14 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Congratulations.

15 We will now call the next

16 case, which is 12-033, with the address of

17 21937 Meridian Lane, ask the applicant to

18 please go to the podium.

19 Please state your name, your

20 address and spell your name for the court

21 reporter. Then I will ask you to be sworn in

22 by our secretary.

23 MR. ROBSON: My name is Neal

24 Robson, N-e-a-l, R-o-b-s-o-n.

25 MR. HULETT: My name is Gail



1 Hulett, G-a-i-l, H-u-l-e-t-t. I'm the owner

2 of the property.

3 MR. ROBSON: I'm the building

4 contractor.


6 Will you please be sworn by the secretary.

7 MS. KRIEGER: In Case No. 12-033,

8 for 21937 Meridian Lane, do you both swear to

9 tell the truth in this case?

10 MR. HULETT: Yes.

11 MR. ROBSON: Yes.

12 MS. KRIEGER: Thank you.

13 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Thank you. You

14 may now proceed.

15 MR. HULETT: What is in back of the

16 house now is a deck that is built up on

17 posts. It's very unsightly, and it's not too

18 sanitary.

19 What I plan on putting back

20 there is a brick screened-in porch, covered

21 to the roof, and I need this, for one thing

22 is that I get skin cancer, and I like to sit

23 out in the backyard. And to sit out in the

24 backyard, other than when the sun goes down,

25 I just can't sit out there. I really need



1 the screened-in porch.



4 MR. ROBSON: We're just encroaching

5 the 35-foot required setback by seven feet.

6 And the lot coverage is 2 percent over the

7 maximum 25 percent, so that's what we are

8 asking for.


10 thank you. Let me now open it up for public

11 comments. Anyone in the audience care to

12 come up to the podium and make any comments?

13 (No responses.)

14 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Seeing none,

15 I'll now open this up to -- ask Madam

16 Secretary to read any comments into the

17 record.

18 MS. KRIEGER: In Case. No. 12-033,

19 39 were mailed, returned zero, responses,

20 none.

21 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Thank you.

22 I'll now open it up to the Board. I'm sorry,

23 city comments. Thank you.

24 MS. SAARELA: I have none.

25 MR. BOULARD: Just one. Note the



1 Turtle Creek homeowners association has seen

2 the plans and approved them and that letter

3 is in your packet. Thank you.


5 Now, would the Board have any comments or

6 questions for applicant? Member Sanghvi?

7 MR. SANGHVI: Thank you. Who lives

8 exactly behind you? There is very little

9 room within the back plot and your plot. Who

10 is your neighbor right behind you? Have you

11 talked to them?

12 MR. HULETT: I have not talked to

13 those people.

14 MR. SANGHVI: You haven't to talked

15 to anybody --

16 MR. HULETT: Yes, I talked to the

17 people on both sides of me, the one across

18 the street.

19 MR. SANGHVI: Not behind yourself,

20 behind your property?

21 MR. HULETT: No.

22 MR. SANGHVI: How much is the

23 distance between you and your backdoor

24 neighbor?

25 MR. HULETT: It will encroach the



1 35-foot setback by seven feet, so the porch

2 would be 27 foot.

3 MR. SANGHVI: I was there a couple

4 of days ago. I looked. It is pretty close

5 to their property.

6 MR. ROBSON: Doesn't the guy that

7 wrote the letter to the association, doesn't

8 he live right behind you or not?

9 MRS. HULETT: Not exactly behind

10 us.

11 MR. ROBSON: Oh, not exactly behind

12 you, okay.

13 MR. SANGHVI: Do you have a

14 homeowners association in your area?

15 MR. HULETT: Yes, they approved it.

16 MR. SANGHVI: They have approved

17 it?

18 MR. ROBSON: Yes.

19 MR. SANGHVI: You got one of those

20 in the file?

21 MS. KRIEGER: Yep.

22 MR. HULETT: In fact, the president

23 of the homeowners association lives behind

24 me.

25 MR. SANGHVI: Fine. Thank you.




2 comments or questions? Member Krieger?

3 MS. KRIEGER: On the map, the

4 Google map, it seem that the house was set

5 back, was it built that way or did you

6 purchase it that way?

7 MR. HULETT: I'm a little hard of

8 hearing.

9 MS. KRIEGER: The Google map shows

10 that the house seems to be a little farther

11 back compared to the other houses on the

12 street.

13 MR. HULETT: That's because the

14 garage is built in front of the house.

15 MS. KRIEGER: You bought it that

16 way?

17 MR. HULETT: Yes, I bought it that

18 way.

19 MS. KRIEGER: So it's a unique

20 circumstance that yours is different than the

21 others. That was my question. Thank you.

22 MR. HULETT: Yes.


24 questions or comments?

25 (No responses.)



1 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Seeing none, I

2 will now entertain a motion. Member Krieger?

3 MS. KRIEGER: In Case No. 12-033,

4 for 21937 Meridian Lane, I move to approve

5 the requested variance that the -- there are

6 unique circumstances and physical conditions

7 of the property such as the narrowness,

8 shallowness, shape, water, topography, the

9 position of footprint of the house on the

10 property compared to the neighbors, and

11 similar physical conditions and the need for

12 the variance is not due to the applicant's

13 personal or economic difficulty.

14 The need is not self-created.

15 Strict compliance with regulations governing

16 areas, setback frontage, height, bulk,

17 density or other dimensional requirements

18 will unreasonably prevent the property owner

19 from using the property for a permitted

20 purpose or will render conformity with those

21 regulations unnecessarily burdensome.

22 The petitioner stated that the

23 deck that he had there now, that he would

24 like to improve it, so by improving it, would

25 increase the property -- potentially increase



1 property values.

2 The requested variance is the

3 minimum variance necessary to do substantial

4 justice to the applicant as well as to other

5 property owners in the district and has been

6 approved by the homeowners association.

7 And the requested variance

8 will not cause an adverse impact on

9 surrounding property, property values or the

10 use and enjoyment of the property in the

11 neighborhood or zoning district.

12 MR. SANGHVI: Second.


14 motion and a second. Is there any further

15 discussion?

16 (No responses.)

17 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Seeing none, I

18 will ask Ms. Pawlowski to call the roll.

19 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Gedeon?

20 MR. GEDEON: Yes.

21 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Gerblick?


23 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Ghannam?

24 MR. GHANNAM: Yes.

25 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Member Krieger?




2 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Sanghvi?


4 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Skelcy?


6 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Ferrell?


8 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Motion passes seven

9 to zero.

10 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Congratulations.

11 MR. HULETT: Thank you very much.

12 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: We will now

13 move onto the fifth case, which is 12-034,

14 121 Austin Drive.

15 Will the applicant please come

16 down to the podium, state your name, spell it

17 and then I will ask that you be sworn in by

18 the secretary.

19 MR. RUTHERFORD: My name is Robert

20 Rutherford, R-o-b-e-r-t, R-u-t-h-e-r-f-o-r-d.


22 MRS. RUTHERFORD: It's Kelly

23 Rutherford, K-e-l-l-y, R-u-t-h-e-r-f-o-r-d.

24 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Thank you.

25 Will you now be sworn by the secretary.



1 MS. KRIEGER: In Case No. 12-034,

2 on 121 Austin Drive, do you both swear to

3 tell the truth in this case?



6 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Thank you. You

7 may proceed.

8 MR. RUTHERFORD: First of all, I'd

9 like to bring up something that's on this

10 paper. I think it's either a typographical

11 error on this paper or I may have done it

12 myself.

13 But the setback on this house

14 is only ten feet. It's not what it states on

15 here. It's backwards. The side yard is only

16 two foot ten inches from the side property

17 line. And the front yard setback is only

18 10 feet on one side, 11 feet on the other

19 side of the house, from the 60-foot

20 right-of-way.

21 I don't know if anyone went by

22 the house, but the house is staked for the

23 right-of-way.

24 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Mr. Boulard, do

25 we have an error here or --



1 MR. RUTHERFORD: I don't know if

2 it's a typographical error on this, or what I

3 turned in.

4 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: If so, would we

5 need to readvertise?

6 MR. BOULARD: Can I see the file,

7 please.


9 moment.

10 MR. BOULARD: I'm sorry. If I may.

11 You indicated that the house is actually two

12 foot ten from the property line?

13 MR. RUTHERFORD: From the left-hand

14 side property line, which I live in the house

15 next-door.

16 MR. BOULARD: The front yard is

17 only 10 feet, not 20 feet?

18 MR. RUTHERFORD: The front yard is

19 ten -- the front of the house on the

20 right-hand side is 10 foot two inches from

21 the edge of the 60 foot right-of-way and on

22 the left-hand side of the house it's 11,

23 three. It's on the drawing. I neglected to

24 bring my own drawing.

25 MS. KRIEGER: It's on the second



1 diagram.


3 MR. BOULARD: I'm sorry, it appears

4 we'll have to renotice.

5 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Because of the

6 discrepancy, the people who could be impacted

7 by this in your neighborhood, will have to be

8 put on notice, which means that we will have

9 to move your particular matter.

10 I hope we can do it --

11 MR. RUTHERFORD: The notice that I

12 received -- it wasn't typed the same as this?

13 MR. BOULARD: What was that? Do

14 you have your notice?

15 MS. PAWLOWSKI: It will be in the

16 pile.

17 MR. BOULARD: We will need to

18 renotice and we can put it on the September

19 11th meeting.

20 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: All right. I

21 am very sorry, but we will have to renotice

22 your matter so that your neighbors, who could

23 be impacted, can see the exact specifications

24 that are being requested.

25 We will move it to the next



1 meeting of September 11th, 2012. And I

2 apologize for this inconvenience for you

3 tonight.

4 MR. RUTHERFORD: Is this the same

5 way it was typed on the other one? The one

6 that was mailed out?

7 MRS. RUTHERFORD: As far as my

8 understanding, the part that I read just said

9 we were requesting a variance, did not say

10 what -- I mean, it says what type, but not as

11 in the size. It just says what the setbacks

12 are supposed to be.

13 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Let me check

14 with the city.

15 MR. RUTHERFORD: Do you have the

16 paper that was sent --

17 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: It's in the

18 master file. We don't each get an individual

19 copy of your file.

20 MR. RUTHERFORD: I walked around to

21 all the neighbors, and I mean, I got five or

22 six or more back.

23 MS. SAARELA: We are going to

24 double check what we need to do -- look in

25 the newspaper.



1 MS. KRIEGER: So the second page

2 that we have compared to the first because

3 they are different that we have to renotice?

4 MS. SAARELA: It would be because

5 of what's in the notice, that we have to

6 renotice. If it's inaccurate in the notice,

7 with what the public is getting, so we have

8 to renotice.

9 So Angie is going to check

10 what went in the newspaper.

11 MR. RUTHERFORD: I don't read the

12 paper, too much bad news on the TV.

13 MS. SAARELA: It went into the

14 paper reversed, inaccurately, so it's going

15 to have to be renoticed in the paper.

16 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Again, sorry

17 for the inconvenience tonight. We will look

18 forward to seeing you again in September.

19 MR. RUTHERFORD: Thank you for your

20 time.

21 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Do we have to

22 do a motion?

23 MS. SAARELA: Just a motion to

24 table it until September.

25 MR. SANGHVI: I make a motion to



1 table this particular case for the next

2 meeting.

3 MR. GERBLICK: Second.

4 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: All those in

5 favor?



8 opposed?

9 (No responses.)

10 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Motion carries.

11 We will now see this matter next month.

12 We will move onto our next

13 case, which is No. 6, 12-035, with the

14 address of 41200 Bridge Street. Would the

15 applicant please come forward. Thank you.

16 MR. HADLEY: Good evening. My name

17 is Lawrence Hadley. That's L-a-w-r-e-n-c-e,

18 H-a-d-l-e-y, and I'm not an attorney.

19 MS. KRIEGER: In Case No. 12-035,

20 for 41200 Bridge Street, do you swear to tell

21 the truth in this case?

22 MR. HADLEY: I do. Good evening.

23 Thank you for your time.

24 The basic issue with this sign

25 variance is the topography of the site is



1 such that the building is blocked from view

2 on Bridge Street by a berm and on Meadowbrook

3 by a berm. And so that makes it very

4 difficult for passersby to become aware of

5 the building.

6 Even in this day of age of

7 advanced internet marketing and all that,

8 which we do, people still drive around and

9 look at signs, even after they have done the

10 marketing, looked at our stuff on the web.

11 In a year's time, since I have

12 been handling the leasing, we have only had

13 one new tenant, and that was an expansion of

14 an existing tenant. Other than that, we have

15 not had any new leases from outsiders because

16 the market has been so low.

17 We are getting more traffic

18 and we were getting better traffic, but it's

19 been very slow but sure, because the leasing

20 market is still coming around and the

21 slowness of the Detroit marketplace, we still

22 have lots and lots of competition. So that's

23 why it's important for us to be able to have

24 the visibility of our sign on Meadowbrook and

25 hence that variance.



1 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Thank you. Any

2 public comments on this matter?

3 (No responses.)

4 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Seeing none,

5 Madam Secretary -- I'm sorry, any comments

6 from the city?

7 MS. SAARELA: I have none.


9 MR. BOULARD: Nothing to add.

10 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Thank you.

11 Madam Secretary, could you please read any

12 comments into the record.

13 MS. KRIEGER: In Case No. 12-035,

14 35 were mailed, 13 returned mailed, responses

15 none.

16 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Thank you. I

17 will now open it up to the Board for comments

18 and questions. Mr. Sanghvi?

19 MR. SANGHVI: I think the market

20 conditions haven't changed very much since

21 you were here last, have they?

22 MR. HADLEY: No, sir.

23 MR. SANGHVI: I know you had this

24 sign for a few years, but it looks like

25 you're not getting anywhere. I understand



1 the need for continuing to have the sign

2 where it is. Thank you.

3 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Thank you. Any

4 other comments?

5 I have a question for the

6 city. Is this the sixth year that this sign

7 has been up from what I see here?

8 MR. SANGHVI: Three years.

9 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: I see that it

10 mentions the '06, 010?

11 MR. BOULARD: There was a variance

12 granted in '06, Case No. 010 for one year, in

13 '07, Case No. 22 for two years, and '09, Case

14 025 for two years, and then ZBA Case No.

15 11-022 for one year.

16 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: So we have had

17 it up for six years?

18 MR. BOULARD: Yes.

19 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Thank you.

20 Member Ghannam?

21 MR. GHANNAM: I guess, sir, my

22 problem is that it has been so long, and we

23 can't grant variances necessarily just

24 because you want a bigger sign, everybody

25 wants bigger and better. I understand that.



1 I follow you on that.

2 But at some point, a temporary

3 sign becomes almost permanent. I guess

4 that's my problem with sometimes there is --

5 I can see some needs for it. But if it's

6 just the size, I couldn't support it.

7 MR. HADLEY: I don't believe our

8 variance is strictly for size. Our variance

9 is also for our distance of our sign from our

10 property sign, which is why we want it out on

11 Meadowbrook Road.

12 I think that's the larger

13 concern for us.

14 MR. GHANNAM: That's a good point.

15 We can grant a variance for the distance

16 between -- you know, or proximity to the

17 road, but not for the size of the sign? Can

18 we do that?

19 MS. SAARELA: You could grant

20 whichever, or both or neither.

21 MR. GHANNAM: I have no problem

22 with the location, my personal opinion. To

23 me, you know, because it is more visible and

24 it makes sense, but the size is, I guess, the

25 issue. You've had it for six years, you



1 know, and I don't know that a bigger size

2 sign is necessarily going to bring in more

3 traffic. Even if it did, that's not a basis

4 for us to grant the petition.

5 So I don't have a problem with

6 the size personally, but I do with the -- I

7 have a problem with the size, but not the

8 location.


10 comments? Member Gerblick?

11 MR. GERBLICK: Reading through your

12 application here, I didn't see anywhere how

13 long you were requesting to extend the sign?

14 MR. HADLEY: I guess I just assumed

15 it was a year.

16 MR. GERBLICK: One year.

17 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Anything else?

18 Any other comments or questions? I will

19 entertain a motion.

20 MR. GEDEON: I will take it.

21 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Thank you,

22 Member Gedeon.

23 MR. GEDEON: In Case No. 12-035,

24 for 41200 Bridge Street, I move to request

25 the variance as -- I move to approve the



1 variance as requested. The request is based

2 on circumstances or features that are

3 exceptional and unique to the property.

4 Specifically the applicant mentioned that

5 there are berms along the road that book --

6 that obstruct the view of the property, and

7 do not result from conditions that exist

8 generally in the city or that are

9 self-created.

10 Failure to grant relief will

11 unreasonably present -- or limit the use of

12 the property and will result in substantially

13 more than mere inconvenience or inability to

14 attain a higher economic or financial return.

15 The grant of relief will not

16 result in a use of structure that is

17 incompatible with or unreasonably interferes

18 with adjacent or surrounding properties or

19 will result in substantial justice being done

20 to both the applicant and adjacent

21 surrounding properties and is not

22 inconsistent with the spirit of the

23 ordinance.

24 Just to clarify that this

25 variance is being granted for a one-year



1 extension.

2 MR. SANGHVI: Second.

3 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: I have a motion

4 and a second. Any further discussion?

5 (No responses.)

6 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Seeing none, I

7 will ask Ms. Pawlowski to please take the

8 roll.

9 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Gedeon?

10 MR. GEDEON: Yes.

11 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Gerblick?


13 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Ghannam?


15 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Krieger?

16 MS. KRIEGER: Yes.

17 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Sanghvi?

18 MR. SANGHVI: Yes.

19 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Skelcy?


21 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Ferrell?

22 MR. FERRELL: Yes.

23 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Motion passes

24 four to three.

25 MR. HADLEY: Thank you.




2 Congratulation.

3 All right. We will move now

4 listen to the seventh case tonight. Is the

5 applicant here?

6 MR. HADLEY: I'm still here. It's

7 your lucky day.


9 No. 12-036 for the address of 25975

10 Meadowbrook Road.

11 Please state your name.

12 MR. HADLEY: My name is

13 Lawrence Hadley. Do you need me to spell it

14 again?


16 MR. HADLEY: The situation here is

17 somewhat similar. In this particular case,

18 the property on Meadowbrook Road. There is,

19 number one, a very large wetlands area in

20 front of the single tenant building in front

21 of the complex. The topography slopes up

22 dramatically, again, inhibiting visibility

23 and the vacancy there is even more severe.

24 At this time last year we had

25 approximately 21, 22,000 square foot vacant.



1 Since then I have leased two units totaling

2 4,500 square feet, so we still have close to

3 40 percent vacancy in that particular

4 multi-tenant complex. And notwithstanding

5 all of our, you know, internet marketing

6 efforts and dropping flyers in the area and

7 all those other things.

8 So that's why the importance

9 of the visibility of the signage on

10 Meadowbrook as the other properties have, is

11 again important for that property.

12 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Are there any

13 comments from the audience?

14 (No responses.)

15 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Seeing none, I

16 will now move onto the city. Any comments

17 from the city?

18 MS. SAARELA: I have none.

19 MR. BOULARD: If I could just

20 clarify the -- there is some previous

21 variance requests listed in the staff report

22 and I wanted to clarify. Those actually are

23 06-11 for one year, 07-021 for two, 09-026

24 for two years and 11-023 for one year, so the

25 same total times the last request.




2 Madam Secretary, would you read into the

3 record any comments.

4 MS. KRIEGER: In Case No. 12-036,

5 33 were mailed, 11 returned, responses, none.


7 will now open it up to the Board. Member

8 Sanghvi?

9 MR. SANGHVI: My comments are very

10 similar to the previous case, even though

11 they have leased a few places, there still

12 are a lot of vacancies out there. They need

13 help to fill this.

14 I feel very strongly that we

15 should try and help all these businesses to

16 fill their empty spaces so that our revenue

17 also improves. Thank you.

18 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Thank you. Any

19 other comments? Mr. Gerblick?

20 MR. GERBLICK: This looks like

21 substantially the same request?

22 MR. HADLEY: Yes, sir.

23 MR. GERBLICK: One year again is

24 what you're requesting?

25 MR. HADLEY: Yes, sir.



1 MR. GERBLICK: For the comments

2 mentioned by Mr. Ghannam previously, I don't

3 know if I can support this one, same as I

4 voted last time, but --


6 Mr. Gedeon?

7 MR. GEDEON: In the packets

8 prepared by the city, or provided to us from

9 the city, or from the applicant, I'm not

10 sure, is it -- were the sketches of the

11 property switched between the two cases? See

12 if that clears up any confusion here.

13 MR. BOULARD: Are you speaking of

14 the aerial photograph?

15 MR. GEDEON: I'm talking about

16 specifically the sketches -- the drawing of

17 the side map.

18 MR. BOULARD: Those are as provided

19 by the applicant.

20 MR. HADLEY: I'm sitting here

21 looking at them. I might have --

22 MS. KRIEGER: Reversed them?

23 MR. HADLEY: I'm looking, ZBA Case

24 25975, that's the site plan I provided for

25 that. And then for 41200 Bridge Street,



1 that's the site plan I provided for that. I

2 mean, in my submissions, I am confident I put

3 in the -- I think I put the correct ones in.

4 MR. BOULARD: I'm not sure if it

5 was -- where there was some confusion, but

6 you are right, that the site plan -- key

7 plans provided by the applicant are switched.

8 The aerial photographs are correct.

9 MR. GEDEON: Just to clarify then

10 for the other board members, in this case,

11 this proper site plan is in the packet

12 labeled 12-035, and in this -- in the spot

13 where the sign location is, there is an empty

14 area, that's the area that the applicant

15 indicated was a wetlands area between

16 Meadowbrook Road and the subject property,

17 25825. Am I stating that correctly?

18 MR. HADLEY: Yes, sir.


20 comments, questions? Mr. Ghannam?

21 MR. GHANNAM: My comments are the

22 same from the last case. I mean, if you had

23 some other argument other than we are trying

24 to fill these things up. Take a look at

25 them, but based on strict economic reasons,



1 in what you have provided, I could not

2 support it.


4 Seeing no other comments, or questions, I

5 will now entertain a motion.

6 MR. GEDEON: I will take this.


8 Member Gedeon.

9 MR. GEDEON: In Case No. 12-036,

10 25975 Meadowbrook Road, I move that we

11 approve the requested variance as requested.

12 Specifically the request is

13 based on circumstances or features that are

14 exceptional and unique to the property, as

15 the applicant indicated, there is a large

16 wetland area separating the property from

17 Meadowbrook Road where the sign will be

18 located.

19 Failure to grant relief will

20 unreasonably prevent or limit the use of the

21 property and will result in substantially

22 more than mere inconvenience or inability to

23 attain a higher economic or financial return.

24 The grant of relief will not

25 result in a use of structure that is



1 incompatible with or unreasonably interferes

2 with adjacent or surrounding properties, will

3 result in substantial justice being done to

4 both the applicant and the adjacent or

5 surrounding properties and is inconsistent

6 with the spirit of the ordinance.

7 MR. SANGHVI: Second.

8 MS. KRIEGER: That was for one

9 year?

10 MR. GEDEON: Yes, I would specify

11 that would be for one year.

12 MR. SANGHVI: Agree.

13 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Seeing a motion

14 and a second, any further discussion?

15 (No responses.)

16 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Ms. Pawlowski,

17 will you please call the roll.

18 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Gedeon?

19 MR. GEDEON: Yes.

20 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Gerblick?


22 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Ghannam?


24 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Krieger?

25 MS. KRIEGER: Yes.



1 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Sanghvi?


3 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Skelcy?


5 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Ferrell?


7 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Motion passes four

8 to three.

9 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Congratulations.

10 MR. HADLEY: Thank you very much

11 for your time.

12 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: We will now

13 call the Case of 12-037, the address is 26940

14 Tart Road.

15 Would the applicant please

16 come forward, state your name, spell your

17 name, then be sworn in by the secretary, if

18 you are not a lawyer.

19 MR. GILTNER: My name is

20 David Giltner, G-i-l-t-n-e-r.

21 MS. KRIEGER: Are you a lawyer?

22 MR. GILTNER: No, I am not.

23 MS. KRIEGER: In 12-037, for 26940

24 on Taft Road, do you swear to tell the truth

25 in this case?



1 MR. GILTNER: I do.


3 Please proceed.

4 MR. GILTNER: The property is on

5 Taft Road north of Grand River and at the

6 I-96 freeway there. And I am here to get a

7 sign that fronts the freeway.

8 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Anything else?


10 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: All right.

11 Thank you. Are there any comments from the

12 audience?

13 (No responses.)

14 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: All right. Now

15 we will ask for any comments from the city?

16 MS. SAARELA: I have no comments.

17 MR. BOULARD: No comments.


19 you. Madam Secretary, can you please read

20 any comments into the record.

21 MS. KRIEGER: In Case No. 12-037,

22 17 were mailed, five returned, responses,

23 none.

24 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Thank you. I

25 will now open it up to the Board.



1 MS. KRIEGER: Does Oakland

2 County -- because it's going to be facing the

3 expressway, would Oakland County or the State

4 have any participation?


6 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Thank you. Any

7 comments? Member Sanghvi?

8 MR. SANGHVI: Thank you. I think

9 Taft Road leads to nowhere in that area

10 because it comes next to the highway. They

11 need a sign to say that this place is vacant

12 and available for leasing. I have no

13 difficulty in accepting that request and

14 granting the variance as requested.

15 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Thank you. Any

16 other comments or questions from the Board?

17 Member Ghannam?

18 MR. GHANNAM: Where was the intent

19 to place this particular sign, sir?

20 MR. GILTNER: Fronting the freeway,

21 north of the building, between the building

22 and the freeway.

23 MR. GHANNAM: Not on the building,

24 but on a sign adjacent to the freeway?

25 MR. GILTNER: I believe we are



1 requesting a V-shaped sign.

2 MR. GHANNAM: In this particular

3 case -- we have had a number of signs that

4 abuts freeways. This is one of the

5 properties obviously that is adjacent to the

6 freeway.

7 I understand the need, when

8 it's basically -- it's not a road sign like

9 on a Meadowbrook or other type of road.

10 Facing the freeway, people are going fast,

11 and I understand a larger sign gets quicker

12 attention and it's easier to read.

13 So on this particular one, I

14 have no problem with it.

15 Are you requesting any

16 particular time frame?

17 MR. GILTNER: I typically request a

18 year. I have a year listing, although

19 sometimes it expired from that.

20 MR. GHANNAM: I understand. I have

21 no problem with the area. Thank you.

22 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Thank you. Any

23 other comments, questions?

24 MR. SANGHVI: I'm going to request

25 we do -- make it two years or less depending



1 upon when it is sold.

2 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: A suggestion

3 from Member Sanghvi at this point regarding a

4 motion. Thank you.

5 Any other comments?

6 MR. GEDEON: I do have one comment.

7 For the city, if we approve this variance, do

8 we have to specify whether or not the square

9 footage of the sign is spread between two

10 faces or one face, or I mean, I see that

11 there is a note in there saying that the

12 applicant did not provide a specific

13 rendering of the sign, or shape of the sign.

14 Do we have to address that?

15 MR. BOULARD: The sign -- if the

16 sign is V-shaped and the widest part of the

17 sign is less than two feet, then it would

18 count -- we would count only one face in the

19 area that's requested.

20 If the sign is larger, if the

21 V is larger than two feet, then both faces

22 would count, and so the sign, as I understand

23 it, was 48 feet, which was -- but it was

24 fairly wide V, to take advantage -- the 48

25 feet was both faces together, 224 square foot



1 wide, or square foot area faces. Is that

2 your understanding also?

3 MR. GILTNER: I guess if no matter

4 what our previous intention was, I would sort

5 of step back and say one single flat sign, if

6 that's correct, I would rather have one

7 single flat sign, so that the writing could

8 be more legible from the freeway, rather than

9 two smaller signs that are V-shaped.

10 MR. GHANNAM: Here we are just

11 approving square footage, correct? So it

12 doesn't matter which way he does it, as long

13 as he complies?

14 MR. BOULARD: Right. It's just if

15 the intent was for a double face sign, which

16 was what was originally requested, that --

17 the permit was originally for a V-shaped

18 sign, in which both faces would add up to 48

19 square feet. That's what is in

20 Jeanne Nilan's letter that is in the packet.

21 If the Board approved 48

22 square feet total, then the petitioner

23 decided, I just want to do a one-sided sign,

24 then the sign would be, you know, that

25 much -- the sign face would be 48 square



1 foot, fairly big sign.

2 MR. GILTNER: That would be my

3 preference.


5 Gerblick?

6 MR. GERBLICK: Based the mock-up we

7 got here, it says the sign is to be six by

8 eight, which would be 48 square feet,

9 double-sided sign would be 96. Am I reading

10 that right?

11 MR. GILTNER: I would need a

12 double-sided sign, right, because --

13 MR. GERBLICK: You wouldn't need

14 one?

15 MR. GILTNER: No, there is no

16 traffic on Taft Road. It's a dirt road.

17 MR. GERBLICK: Single face sign?

18 MR. GILTNER: A single face sign,

19 just facing the freeway.

20 MR. BOULARD: The sign that was

21 originally applied for in the sign permit was

22 double-sided. That's why the letter was

23 written that way, and that was the basis then

24 for the appeal.

25 MR. GILTNER: I'm not looking to



1 re-invent the wheel. I'm just looking -- if

2 that was what was applied for, we can do

3 that, but there isn't really any traffic on

4 Taft Road there, whatever is easier.

5 Like I said, I don't want to

6 re-invent the wheel. I'm looking to maximize

7 the face that fronts the freeway.

8 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Would we have

9 to readvertise?


11 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Member Ferrell?

12 MR. FERRELL: How many signs do you

13 have on your property right now? Because I

14 was out there the other day, I thought I saw

15 three of them, is that correct?

16 MR. GILTNER: I think there is one

17 at the entrance to Grand River and Taft, a

18 directional sign, and just the one in front

19 yard, as far as I know.

20 MR. FERRELL: There is one by the

21 expressway right now, right?

22 MR. GILTNER: I wasn't aware of

23 that.

24 MR. FERRELL: I saw it today when I

25 was driving. I don't know if that was yours.



1 I'm almost positive it was. But I did drive

2 by the other day and I saw a sign. I don't

3 know if that's your property.

4 MR. GILTNER: I had to complain to

5 our sign people to get a sign up, but

6 typically they don't do that until I go to

7 the ZBA, so --

8 MR. FERRELL: Okay. I saw one at

9 the corner of Taft and Grand River. There is

10 one on the property, a smaller one. Then I

11 saw -- like I said, I'm not sure if that was

12 yours or not. It was right by the building.

13 MR. GILTNER: I am not aware of a

14 freeway sign on the property at this time.

15 You would be telling me something I don't

16 know.


18 comments or questions for the city?

19 MS. SAARELA: Just on if you intend

20 on granting it as not the two-faced sign,

21 that you clarify in the motion that it's not

22 a two-face, it's 48 square foot total. That

23 we are not looking at a 96 square foot sign.

24 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Thank you.

25 MR. FERRELL: I got a question for



1 the city. How many signs are you allowed to

2 have on a property at one time?

3 MR. BOULARD: A for sale sign?

4 One.

5 MR. FERRELL: Would that be

6 considered, if he's got one on the road of

7 Grand River and Taft as one as well as the

8 one that would be by the expressway?

9 MR. BOULARD: It would be a total

10 of one.

11 MR. FERRELL: Those other two signs

12 would have to --

13 MR. BOULARD: Yes.

14 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Are you aware

15 that you would have to remove the other two

16 signs?

17 MR. GILTNER: I kind of planned on

18 removing the one in the front yard anyway.

19 The one on Grand River, I

20 guess I kind of viewed that as a separate

21 parcel and that would be a separate sign. I

22 didn't realize I couldn't -- my intent was to

23 do the freeway sign and the Grand River sign.

24 The Grand River sign is not on the property.

25 It's on another property. So I'd rather have



1 the freeway sign though than any of the

2 three.

3 So if I had only one sign, the

4 freeway sign would be my preference.

5 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Is the other

6 sign that's not on the property, is that

7 property also for sale?

8 MR. GILTNER: It is not.


10 have placed a sign on --

11 MR. GILTNER: We typically get

12 permission from somebody before we put a sign

13 in their yard. If I recall right, that

14 property is owned by Deamarino (phonetic), a

15 long-time client of my company.

16 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Thank you. Any

17 other questions or comments?

18 (No responses.)

19 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: I will now

20 entertain a motion. Member Gerblick?

21 MR. BOULARD: I move that in Case

22 No. 12-037, 26940 Taft Road, we grant a

23 variance for a total 48 square foot sign,

24 one-sided sign. That this request based on

25 circumstances that are exceptional and unique



1 in the property, backs up 96 freeway.

2 Failure to grant the relief will unreasonably

3 prevent or limit the use of the property that

4 will result in substantially more than a mere

5 inconvenience or inability to attain a higher

6 economic return.

7 The grant of relief will not

8 result in the use of structure that is

9 incompatible or unreasonably interferes with

10 the adjacent or surrounding properties.

11 MR. GHANNAM: For one --

12 MR. GERBLICK: The variance for one

13 year.

14 MS. KRIEGER: Or until sold?

15 MR. GERBLICK: Or until sold.

16 MS. SAARELA: Are you conditioning

17 that on the removal of the other signs -- of

18 site, one placed (inaudible).


20 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Mr. Boulard?

21 MR. BOULARD: If I may, you

22 mentioned one year or until sold. It was the

23 lesser of those, correct?

24 MR. GERBLICK: The lesser of one

25 year or until sold.



1 MR. BOULARD: Thank you.

2 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: You understand

3 that the motion requires the removal of the

4 other two signs?

5 MR. GILTNER: I do, but I will

6 probably be back here for the Grand River

7 sign, so --


9 second?

10 MS. KRIEGER: Second.

11 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Thank you. Any

12 further discussion? Go ahead. Nothing?

13 Okay.

14 Ms. Pawlowski, please call the

15 roll.

16 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Gedeon?

17 MR. GEDEON: Yes.

18 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Gerblick?


20 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Ghannam?

21 MR. GHANNAM: Yes.

22 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Krieger?

23 MS. KRIEGER: Yes.

24 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Sanghvi?

25 MR. SANGHVI: Yes.



1 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Skelcy?


3 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Ferrell?


5 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Motion passes seven

6 to zero.

7 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Congratulations

8 sir.

9 MR. GILTNER: Thank you.

10 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: All right. Are

11 there any other matters at all?

12 I would like to take this

13 opportunity to welcome Brent Ferrell to the

14 Board. This is his first night here. He's

15 our alternate and welcome.

16 MR. FERRELL: Thank you very much.

17 Very pleased to be here.

18 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: Thank you. I

19 will entertain a motion to adjourn.

20 MR. SANGHVI: So moved.

21 MS. KRIEGER: Second.

22 VICE CHAIR SKELCY: All right. We

23 are adjourned.

24 (The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.)

25 ** ** **




2 ) ss.


4 I, Jennifer L. Wall, Notary Public within and for the

5 County of Oakland, State of Michigan, do hereby certify that the

6 hearing above, that the statements given by said individuals was

7 stenographically recorded in the presence of myself and others,

8 afterward transcribed by computer under my personal supervision,

9 and that the said statements are a full, true and correct

10 transcript of the statements given by the individuals.

11 I further certify that I am not connected by blood or

12 marriage with any of the parties or their attorneys, and that I

13 am not an employee of any of them, nor financially interested in

14 the action.

15 IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand at the

16 City of Walled Lake, County of Oakland, State of Michigan.



19 ________________ _________________________

Date Jennifer L. Wall CSR-4183

20 Oakland County, Michigan

My Commission Expires 11/12/15