View Minutes for this meeting 

Special City Council Meeting
 Saturday | February 14, 2009  |  8:30 A.M.
Fire Station #4 | 49375 W. Ten Mile Road
(248) 347-0445

8 a.m.         Pre-meeting Continental Breakfast

8:30 a.m.   Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Start and Welcome       Mayor Landry

8:45 a.m.   Today’s Agenda     Clay Pearson

1. Process Review

a. Update on 2008/09 Strategic Themes and Goals

b. Update on January 14, 2009 Management Staff
     Winter Institute and brainstormed ideas

2. Confirm Major Strategic Theme Categories

a. City Council to discuss any additional themes to be added or changed; Current Strategic Themes include:

Ensure public safety services meet the needs of the community (Police, Fire, Public Works)

Improve Infrastructure (Roads, Water and Sewer)

Encourage economic development to maximize City revenue and job growth

Develop government structure and staff skills for effective delivery of customer services and communication with community

Be a community that values natural areas and natural features

Maintain a fiscally responsible government

Enhance park, recreation and cultural services

b. City Council to brainstorm service improvements for each of the broad Strategic Themes (outlined above)

c. City Council to rank the service improvements (using Meeting Works technology)

3. Review Results

a. Review results of ranking by Council in each of the service improvements in each of the Strategic Themes

b. If time allows, Council to identify any roadblocks to achieving goals and strategies for each of the seven strategic themes (in blue).

4. Next Steps and Final Wrap-Up    Mayor Landry
                                                                 Clay Pearson

AUDIENCE COMMENTS – In order to hear all citizen comments at a reasonable hour, the City Council requests that speakers respect the three-minute time limit for individual comments and the five-minute time limit for an individual speaking on behalf of a group.

Adjourn (target by 1:30 p.m.)

Notes: Lunch will be provided.




