View Agenda for this meeting SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF
THE CITY OF NOVI Mayor Landry called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: Mayor Landry, Mayor Pro Tem Capello Council Members, Gatt, Margolis, Mutch and Nagy and Member Paul ALSO PRESENT: Clay Pearson, City Manager Pam Antil, Assistant City Manager AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION: none PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: 1. Emerging Priorities Session for Strategic Planning Process. Rebecca Kraus, facilitator, reviewed the steps from the previous meeting on September 18, 2006. She explained the staff had worked on the opportunities and threats and the gap measures to close that. She began by explaining strategic planning as the task of thinking through the process. She reviewed the emerging priorities from the September 18, 2006 meeting, and then reviewed the results of the National Citizen Survey. The planning process had to be a collaborative effort of citizens, Council and staff. This was accomplished by people, technology and the process. Major themes were public safety, public services, water and sewer services, strong, healthy business community, high quality of life, strong neighborhoods that were involved, green community, protect woodland and wetlands, partner with other communities, and strong customer orientation. Top priorities at the September 18, 2006 meeting were to maximize the tax base, roads, safety, water and sewer. Those were the top four that were critical. That document from the first meeting in September was critical to their planning and being able to use the major themes. Member Mutch asked about the process and between the Council and the citizens. Should they have obtained the citizens input first as citizens identified customer service first. He asked how we ensure the two will be brought together. Rebecca Kraus responded that the work group saw where there were a few disconnects and there was more alignment than disconnects. Mr. Pearson explained that the questions were customized, explained to residents and became circular. Member Margolis stated anything containing the word investment ranked lower. Mayor Landry explained this information must be interpreted as it was essential to lump in essential and very important. Rebecca Kraus noted the 12-15-06 workgroup focus was a review of council emerging priorities, alignment check of survey feedback with council emerging priorities, identification of city strengths and weaknesses, identification of potential opportunities, evaluation of potential opportunities relative to degree of impact, and financial feasibility. The workgroup came up with the following: Quality customer service from employees Member Nagy felt it was good to know that citizens also liked the idea of customer service by employees. Member Margolis stated the good news was the citizens rated the customer service as very high by employees. Mayor Landry asked if this was related to every city or just Novi. He asked the same question about roads, is it just our Novi roads or all roads in all cities. Member Paul noted outside the community, people talk about Novi Road by the mall, Wixom Road near Catholic Central, and lastly they complain about Beck Road going south to M-14. Mr. Pearson responded the ease of car travel in Novi was similar to the norm. Member Gatt noted the majority of citizens feel safe inside the city but he doesn’t think we should take discretionary dollars and spend them elsewhere. Maintain what we are doing and use additional dollars to address areas of concern. Member Nagy stated the survey went to residents so traffic issues were from people traveling to and from work. This isn’t a true negative because it happens everywhere in Oakland County. SWOT was a term used to describe strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the Strategic Planning process. The purpose was to analyze the current situation and take a realistic look at where the city is today. The current assessment from the staff included the following: Crime prevention Ms. Kraus asked if anything were missing according to Council. Member Mutch added relatively low tax base. Member Gatt stated strength of strong customer service. Areas listed for improvement were: Parks Member Margolis explained that library services should be added as to the quality and quantity of library services. Rebecca Kraus explained the results of the workgroup from the December 15, 2006 meeting and she referred to the potential opportunities. Mayor Landry felt it was important to note that employees embraced the idea of moving forward with the Sikich proposals. Member Nagy noted that while employees and residents do communicate, it was noted elsewhere in the report that there might be apathy on the part of the residents. Member Paul commented when we hold meetings, a lot of people watch the meetings, maybe during that time, we could highlight the intentions of the city to improve specific areas such as services to seniors or library services. Another major category was staff development and resources – Member Mutch commented that staff should be encouraged to be receptive to innovations and new ideas and there should be a process for them to bring that idea forward. Member Margolis stated we should look at ways to increase employee satisfaction with an eye to increasing customer satisfaction. Ms. Kraus noted she usually is avalanched with what isn’t working in a community and she didn’t have that with this group. Ms. Kraus explained the degree of impact : 1 communicate and engage with citizens She reviewed page 7 of the meeting report comparing the Council identified strategic priorities and workgroup opportunities categories. Ms. Kraus began speaking about the potential threats to the categories. The first category was Maximize Partnerships and Shared Benefits: Summary of Threats Potentially Impacting This Opportunity Area:
Member Mutch added the idea of financial questions. Member Nagy added the topic of staff input to department heads. The next threat category was Develop and Implement a Strategic Vision (Planning Ahead/Forward Thinking) Summary of the threats potentially impacting this opportunity area:
The next category was Communicate and engage with citizens Summary of threats potentially impacting this opportunity area:
The next category was Increase Staff development and Resources Summary of threats potentially impacting this opportunity area:
Mayor Landry felt this was phenomenal to get the opinions of citizens first and then the staff and he appreciated the staff input and candor. Member Margolis stated we have met the threat and it is us. She felt Council should be careful of what they demand from staff, in other words, the care and feeding of Council. Mayor Pro Tem Capello asked if department heads spoke to their staff, employees working for them, and got their input. Mr. Pearson responded that the city also got the opportunity as employees to complete the citizen survey and overall, that was very positive. He explained that under the idea of willingness to learn, the explanation was that some want to learn everything, some will do so if told to and others drag their feet. Mayor Pro Tem Capello also asked about staff turnover. Mr. Pearson explained that is something that happens everywhere. Staff realizes that if someone retires, they take a lot of knowledge with them and also if someone is on vacation, all their work is still there when they return and while common, it is a fact of how lean we are. The next category was Grow Economic Development to increase/diversify tax base. Summary of threats potentially impacting this opportunity area:
Member Nagy thought our city didn’t have any economic development on the city’s website. She also noted we should show and display more of what we have attracted to the city already such as the bigger companies we have recently recruited including the need to spotlight local businesses on cable. The next category was Modernize Governing. Summary of threats potentially impacting this opportunity area:
Council recessed at 10:40 a.m. and reconvened at 10:50 a.m. Rebecca Kraus began by explaining the chart of rated threats from highest to lowest: 1. develop and implement a strategic vision (planning ahead/forward thinking) Council then focused on the gap items for the category to develop and implement a strategic vision and the top four were the most important.
The gap items for the category to maximize partnerships and shared benefits
The gap items for the category to Grow Economic Development:
The gap items for the category for Staff Development & resources:
The gap items for the category to Modernize Governing:
The gap items for the category to Communicate and engage with citizens:
Mayor Pro Tem Capello asked if communicating with citizens meant residents only or included business people. Mr. Pearson responded it’s a broad term to include everyone. Member Nagy expressed she would like to have additional residents receive surveys not just the few 1200 that were sent. She was also concerned that developers would be looking out for their best interests. She would also like to poll smaller businesses that have been in the community for some time. Member Margolis explained that the surveys that went out were required to use the birthday method. Mayor Pro Tem Capello asked how residents were chosen. The response was it was totally random. Ms. Kraus noted the next phase was for the goals as being broad statements of what the city will achieve. Goals state what must be done, not how it is done. They are the foundation of the plan. They are measurable and quantifiable points on the way to reaching our objectives. Member Paul mentioned the parks, trail system, fire station improvements, green space, long term expenditures. Member Margolis felt goals were broader rather than initiatives. She referred to page 7 of the meeting report from today. Ms. Kraus asked Council to focus on the broader goals. These are the five year goals and the short terms goals (12-18 months). GOALS 1. Ensure public safety services meets the needs of the community (Police, Fire, DPW)
2. Improve Infrastructure- (Roads, Water and Sewer)
3. Encourage economic development to maximize city revenue and job growth
4. Develop government structure and staff skills for effective delivery of customer services and communication with community
5. Be a community that values natural areas and natural features
6. Maintain fiscally responsible government
7. Enhance Park, recreational and cultural services
Council discussed that the short term goals were envisioned to be accomplished in the next 12-18 months and while not all-inclusive, these examples of short-term goals were in concurrence with the staff workgroup to also be pursued. Member Nagy’s suggested there should be training for new Council members when they begin as to the Council rules, methods of voting, budget education, changing goals with changing Council’s, etc. Member Mutch explained that is the nature of Council since it changes, then the goals change but the strategic planning process should be regular in order to provide direction for the city staff. As the views of the residents change, the end goals should always have flexibility. That is reflected in those who have been on Council. Further discussion centered on the need to separate green space from quality of life issues related to accessibility of parks, programs, activities and cultural resources. Also discussed was the idea of enhancing communication with residents, maintain flexibility in the master plan. Roll Call Vote on CM 07-01-08 Moved by Capello, Seconded by Gatt: CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To adopt the goals as presented. Members Nagy and Mutch commented that while they do not agree with all of the goals presented, they will still be voting in favor of those proposed. Yeas: Landry, Capello, Gatt, Margolis, Mutch, Nagy Nays: None Absent: Paul There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m.
___________________________ _______________________________ David B. Landry, Mayor Maryanne Cornelius, City Clerk Date Approved: January 22, 2007